

A partnership of three European universities has established this two-year,  joint master’s programme and brings together learning, research and practice through collaboration with already well-established partners among which governments, NGO’s, corporate actors and other universities. IMARC also provides training in transversal skills related to lifelong learning, critical citizenship and employment. The two universities involved in the programme have different research and teaching expertise in the field of criminology, with special regards to border crossing, security and social justice. ln addition, IMARC will include innovative, interactive teaching methods, in which the strengths of both face-to-face student-lecturer contact, informal learning and social media are optimised.

The universities in this consortium are:

Associate partners

The IMARC programme has connection with a variety of relevant university departments in various countries. From a migration perspective, IMARC has connections with common countries of departure (Turkey) and a countries of entry to the EU (Hungary, Italy, Malta).

Associate partners give no regular courses in the programme, but will be invited for guest lectures and further development of the programme. Furthermore, they can be sites where students might undertake research and collect data, and can also act in an advisory role in students’ research projects.

Students may visit an associate university in semester 3 (and part of semester 4). The associate partners of IMARC are the following:

University of Malaga (Spain)

The University of Málaga (UMA) teaches in three Bachelors (Law, Criminology and Law and business administration). UMA is specialised in the study of Criminal Justice Policy and Criminology particularly applied to migration and border control as well as gender and violence, and organised crime. One of the department’s main strengths is its ability to approach the criminal system´s problems from an interdisciplinary perspective, offering solutions that combine the knowledge of criminal law, criminal policy and criminology. The main lines of research are: the crime data analysis; the study of political-criminal models and models of legislative rationality; juvenile delinquency; immigration and crime; gender violence; drug trafficking; socio-economic crimes and corruption and cybercrime and the use of technology in crime control.

University of Malta (Malta)

The University of Malta, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, department of Criminology, serves as the fulcrum of criminological research, operational interactivity and innovative research. The Department was established through a transformative change processes, having formerly been designated as the 'Institute of Criminology' (2008-2012) and subsequently the 'Institute of Forensic Studies' in 1993. It was established, was set up with the aim of serving as a resource centre of experts and expertise for the Maltese criminal justice system. In 2012, the Faculty for Social Wellbeing was set up and the Institute was transformed into a Department within the same Faculty. The Department is established in the national and international arenas as a centre of criminological research focusing its efforts in such fields as policing, corrections, domestic violence, migration, juvenile crime, gender and crime, environmental criminology, spatio-temporal crime statistics, amongst others. The Department is involved in research and teaching in the field of Criminology: policing, corrections, terrorism, geo-spatial analysis of crime, psychology/psychiatry/biology of crime, criminological research methods, cybercrime, criminal investigation, crime/criminal profiling, domestic violence, hate crimes and other crime-related areas of study.

Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest (Hungary)

The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Eötvös Loránd University is recognised as a Place of Excellence in Hungarian higher education. As the largest law faculty in Hungary, it maintains wide-ranging international relations primarily with universities in Europe and is proud to be involved in educational and research projects with similar institutions abroad. The Department of Criminology plays a central role in Hungarian academic criminology: it provides a high-quality MA programme, functions as a high-standard research school in criminology and hosts the HQ of the Hungarian Society of Criminology. Key staff members have both considerable experience in research in criminology and work experiences in senior positions in the field of crime policy. ELTE will contribute to the project by presenting the security and social justice perspective with respect to migration from the Balkans into Hungary and its involvement in the CSP.

Koç University (KU), Istanbul (Turkey)

Koç University aims to create social impact by enriching future leaders, academia, and staff with experimental learning, advanced knowledge, and valuable networks. It is "the Social Innovation Catalyzer" for civil society organizations, business and community to create social impact by helping social organizations tackle current challenges and by engaging businesses more productively with the community through support networks, effective M&E tools, and ongoing development resources. The important stakeholders for KU within the project are local and international non-governmental organizations, like ASAM (Association for the Solidarity of Asylum Seekers and Refugees) and other regional, international, and national NGOs, international organizations like IOM (International Organization for Migration) and the UNHCR, and government offices, such as the Directorate General for Migration Management, the Directorate General for Consular Affairs at the Turkish Foreign Ministry and Turkish Police Academy.

University of Bologna (UNIBO), Bologna (Italy)

University of Bologna is specialised in the study of immigration and border control as well as the process of the migrants’ criminalisation. The Department of Legal Studies (DLS) of UNIBO promotes, organizes and coordinates research activities and academic courses in legal disciplines. DLS involves 63 full professors, 35 associate professors, 51 researchers and 20 research fellows. Academic courses and degree programs of the DLS are: Law, Job and company relations consultant, Business and Public Administration Consultant, International Cooperation, Development and Human Rights. DLS also organises PhD in Legal Studies, European Law, Law, and Sciences & Technology. Furthermore, as to the research activities, DLS cooperates with interdisciplinary and interuniversity Centers: Centro di ricerca in storia del diritto, filosofia e sociologia del diritto e informatica giuridica (CIRSFID); Centro ricerche sul diritto europeo (CIRDE); Center for Constitutional Studies and Democratic development (CCSDD); ECJC: European Criminal Justice Center; Centro di Scienze sull’Islam (CISI). DLG publishes, in specific series, books and research reports of professors, researchers and research fellows working at DLS.

Network partners

The IMARC programme in border crossing, security and social justice is embedded in a wider network of collaborating organisations – which are also potential employers – with a wide range of network partners from various sectors (e.g. governmental bodies, NGO’s, field organisations, and commercial organisations).

IMARC also offers the possibility of a period of training – an internship – at one of the institutions selected by the three universities, or other institutions selected by te student. Not mandatory, the internship is available to every student who can make a choice based on his or her research needs and future employment considerations. In addition, network partners may be of help with (facilitating) data collection, connecting students to relevant organisations or individuals, and other research activities. We also encourage students to contact our network partners (via the coordinator) in any way that benefits their study and thesis project, whether that is through an internship, collaboration or validation of research findings.

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